Jonathan Banks is still upset about Mike Ehrmantraut’s scene in Breaking Bad

From its debut on the AMC broadcast network in 2008 to its conclusion in 2013, Breaking Bad ran for five seasons. The Vince Gilligan-created series has its own world and brought back a number of its characters with the Better Call Saul spin-off, which aired its final episode two weeks ago with Six Seasons.

The former corrupt police officer Mike Ehrmantraut, portrayed by Jonathan Banks, who joined Gustavo Fring (Giancarlo Esposito) after working as a bodyguard, is probably one of the characters that Breaking Bad viewers enjoy the most.

If there is anything that separates Mike from Walter White (Bryan Cranston). In that case, it is the fact that he entered the criminal underworld not to acquire power but rather to make money and sustain the only members of his family, his daughter-in-law Stacey and his granddaughter, Kaylee.

The character of Jonathan Banks also made an appearance in the Better Call Saul spin-off, giving viewers the chance to discover more about Mike Ehrmantraut’s history and the circumstances surrounding the death of his son Matt.

Mike Ehrmantraut moved to Albuquerque following Matt’s death to exact revenge. He devoted his time to caring for Stacey and Kaylee as loving fathers. He just worked in the criminal underworld to help and protect them financially.

But the actor is still upset by a moment in Breaking Bad where Jonathan Banks’ character interacts with his granddaughter.

The scenario in Breaking Bad season 5, episode 7, as Mike Ehrmantraut is sitting on a park seat and enjoying the swinging of his granddaughter. He then receives a call from Walter White warning that the DEA is on his way with the express intent of apprehending him.

As it turns out, Mike leaves the scene after Walter alerts him, leaving his granddaughter alone in the park.
In Breaking Bad, Jonathan Banks’ character was capable of far more in the instance of Kaylee than he ever imagined.

The actor was questioned whether he ever read anything in the screenplay that didn’t make sense for his role in an interview with The New York Times. He found it challenging to think about what Mike did at that point.

“There have been times where I’ve been like, Oh, I guess Mike wouldn’t do that. But found, honestly, a lot of times, what the writers were telling me if stuck to them, it made sense, he said.

The first thing that comes to mind is in Breaking Bad when Mike leaves his granddaughter in the park, and he has to run away. And I was like, No, he would never leave his granddaughter. And of course, the reasoning is, the police department- they are there in the park. They will take care of her and turn her to her mother. I still have a hard time with Mike leaving his granddaughter in the park.”

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