Mike Ehrmantraut | Kid Named Finger Memes

Mike Ehrmantraut | Kid Named Finger Memes

Even if you haven’t seen Better Call Saul or Breaking Bad, you may have noticed Kid Named Finger memes floating around the Internet. The Jonathan Bank character, Mike Ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad served as the inspiration for the meme.

Mike Ehrmantraut is a former Philadelphia police officer who now works as a private investigator, head of security, cleaner, and hitman for Gus Fring—and occasionally Saul Goodman.

Kid Named Finger Meme Origin

A parody type called Kid Named Finger combines aspects of the satirical Mikeposting Breaking Bad craze with the Kid Named X meme structure. Early in April 2022, the /r/okbuddychicanery subreddit saw the emergence of the Meme format, which later caught on across the Internet. Memes that referred to Mike Erhmantraut as “kid named finger” or “finger” attained widespread success on Reddit through April 2022.