After Pinocchio and Cabinet of Curiosities, Guillermo Del Toro and Netflix are prepared to work together again. In fact, according to a rumor posted on the WorldofReel website, the Mexican filmmaker would like to collaborate on a Frankenstein-themed movie starring none other than Oscar Isaac. Additionally, the website provided some supporting information for this statement. The Oscar-winning director for The Shape of Water recently talked about his next project on the Variety Awards Podcast:
“Well, I’m working on a monster movie; I cannot say the title because it may change, and I could end up making something else. But right now, I’m writing and designing. And we have for the last couple of years. Hopefully, it’ll be next, but anything can happen.”
According to composer Alexandre Desplat, Frankenstein movie is also on the way, who created the fantastic soundtrack for del Toro’s most recent Pinocchio.
Frankenstein has long been a favorite film of Guillermo Del Toro. The 1973 Spanish film The Spirit of the Beehive, one of his primary cinematic inspirations, centers on a showing of the Universal classic Frankenstein. In his home, there are busts of Boris Karloff dressed as the monster.
“I’ve been dreaming of doing a ‘Frankenstein’ movie since I was a child,” Del Toro told ComingSoon back in 2008. And his dream is finally coming true; Frankenstein is set to start filming in June 2023.