A thrilling new cinematic venture is in the works as acclaimed actors Paul Rudd and Jenna Ortega unite their talents for an upcoming project titled “Death of a Unicorn.” Produced by A24, this mysterious film has secured a special waiver amidst the ongoing WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes, allowing its production to forge ahead.
At the heart of this captivating tale lies an unexpected pairing, with Rudd and Ortega portraying a father and daughter. Their journey takes an extraordinary turn when, during their drive home, they unintentionally encounter a mythical creature.
This event sets the stage for a fascinating narrative that has left fans eagerly anticipating more. Although specifics about the storyline remain veiled in secrecy, the mystique surrounding the project only heightens the excitement.
Director Alex Scharfman, who also penned the script, is taking charge of this creative work. With filming scheduled to begin shortly in Hungary, the talented team is all set to bring this extraordinary vision to life.
Notably, on July 18, a remarkable development surfaced, revealing that 39 film titles, including “Death of a Unicorn,” have been granted a rare exemption from the stringent rules imposed by the ongoing strikes. These exemptions exclude independent studio productions like A24, which stands apart from the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. This unique status has granted A24 the freedom to progress with its projects without any impediments.
Securing these waivers has proven to be a complex process, given the absence of recent precedents, as the last SAG strike for theatrical and TV actors dates back to the 1980s. The Guild’s website had previously pledged to grant waivers once a strike was authorized, but the specific terms and conditions were disclosed only later.
Amidst the labor disputes, a slew of other exciting titles have been given the green light. Among them are “Dust Bunny,” an action comedy featuring Rebel Wilson titled “Bride Hard,” the faith-based TV series “The Chosen,” and the upcoming melodrama “Mother Mary,” skillfully directed by David Lowery and featuring remarkable performances by Michaela Coel and Anne Hathaway.
While major blockbuster productions, like Disney’s live-action “Lilo & Stitch,” “Mission: Impossible 8,” “Deadpool 3,” and “Gladiator 2,” have encountered delays, film enthusiasts can still look forward to a multitude of captivating movies slated to hit screens in 2023 and beyond, despite the challenges posed by the ongoing strikes.