Brendan Fraser is Disappointed about Batgirl Movie Cancellation

Brendan Fraser has just returned to the national media limelight. After years of “missing,” he was given a standing ovation for several minutes at the Venice film festival following the world premiere of his most recent movie, The Whale.

Another recent project in which Fraser was involved was Warner Bros’ controversial cancellation of the finished picture Batgirl. He would portray a villain in the story.

He has now spoken up about the incident in an interview with Variety magazine, breaking his silence on the subject. He remarked, “It’s disappointing.

The picture was produced and planned for a smaller screen, but the fans wanted to watch it. It turned out to be the factor that weighed the most heavily for the cancellation in the current period between streaming platforms and movie theatres.

Leslie Grace’s performance was also lauded by the actor, who called her “a powerhouse.” Fraser has already expressed his sadness that viewers wouldn’t get to see the role played by the actress.

Fraser noted that the lesson to be learned from the cancellation of Batgirl is to “work with trusted filmmakers” before wrapping up the subject in the interview.

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