A Twitter user listed all the things she had to explain to her teenage daughter while watching Friends

Friends, the respected comedy Sitcom starring Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, and David Schwimmer, has been off the air for 18 years.

Although it is sometimes said that a show like this never grows old, it must be denied that some of the series’ events, when seen through the eyes of a young man today, are entirely puzzling.

This is the story of a Twitter user’s teenage daughter. She required repeated explanations from her mother regarding many of the things she saw in the show. Here is the report she posted immediately on social media.

My daughter, who is 14 years old, and I are analyzing every episode of Friends, she writes. Season two is underway. A partial summary of everything I had to convey to her is provided below:

Milk cartons used to have pictures of missing kids
Who Dudley Moore was
Who Joan Collins is
What pagers were, and how they worked. (I needed help from my husband on this one.)
That you could see people off at the airport gate
That you could meet arrive people at the airport gate
The fact that if this apartment were real, it would be worth millions of dollars
What Bloomingdales is
Who Demi Moore is
That Eddie Moskowitz is a Jewish name

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