Breaking Bad’s legendary six-season run ended just two months ago, leaving viewers saddened, motivated, and finally satisfied. Jimmy McGill is one of the most complicated, multifaceted characters on television, and he makes watching the show an engaging, emotional, and occasionally humorous experience.
So here are the 10 Best Saul Goodman Quotes
Hail Satan. I Submit To The Dark Side
I Submit To The Dark Side when Chuck asks if Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill is working on a case. Jimmy’s connection with the company is rocky, to put it mildly, and when he is compelled to work with HHM due to need, Jimmy can’t help but realize what a disgusting company that is. Jimmy says Hail Satan.
Perfection Is The Enemy Of Perfectly Adequate
Jimmy says to Kim, Perfection Is The Enemy Of Perfectly Adequate Since she was searching for a perfect paralegal.
Lighting bolts shoot from my fingertips.
Jimmy has a lot to prove, but occasionally he approaches it incorrectly. When Howard gives Jimmy a job and suggests that Howard is doing him a favor, Jimmy loses it. Jimmy launches into a tirade about how awesome he is, and watching someone lose it and vocally beat their chest in this manner is sad and disgusting.
I’m gonna be a damn good lawyer, and people will know about it.
When Jimmy declares, “I’m gonna be a damn good lawyer, and people are gonna know about it.” he truly thinks it and means it.
I Once convinced A Woman That I Was Kevin Costner – Breaking Bad.
In breaking Bad, Saul says to Walt, “Let me tell you something. If you’re committed enough you can make any story work. I once convinced a woman I was Kevin Costner and it worked because I believed it.
The Kevin Costner thing was finally addressed in the first season of Better Call Saul When Jimmy returns to his hometown of Cicero, Illinois, where he reunites with his old friend Marco. Jimmy wakes up with a woman standing over him. “Hey! You are not Kevin Costner,” she says to him. “I was last night,” he responds.
Don’t Drink And Drive, But When You Do, Call Saul
Walt’s son Flynn knows Saul from the countless TV advertisements and billboards plastered all over Albuquerque when Saul shows up at Walt and Skyler’s car wash after getting beat up by Jesse.
Skyler is reluctant to speak with Saul to avoid arousing Flynn’s suspicion. Walt reappears and then turns around, signaling that he should speak up. But before he departs, Saul warns Flynn not to drive after drinking, but if he does, he knows who to contact.
His taste in women is the same as his taste in lawyers: only the very best… with just the right amount of dirty.
Walt ultimately introduces her to Saul after she agrees to help him with his offer to aid him with money laundering. Saul attempts to enchant her with the phrase above since he is mesmerized by her attractiveness. He then goes on to say, Clearly, his taste in women is the same as his taste in lawyers, only the very best… with just the right amount of dirty!
I look like a young Paul Newman dressed as Matlock.
In one famous scene, a bunch of attorneys pass Jimmy as he passes by and make fun of his appearance, saying that he looks like Matlock. To this, Jimmy says, “I look like a young Paul Newman dressed as Matlock.”
Is that like the one your mom works at
When Badger gets caught by the Dea in possession/ Selling Drugs, Saul Goodman comes in to rescue him, But gets greeted by Hank Before, who says to him, Your commercials? They suck ass. I’ve seen better acting in an epileptic who*ehouse, to which Saul replies, Is that like the one your mom works at? Still hard to believe Vince killed Hank Twice in the show.
“S’all Good, Man
Jimmy successfully persuades the appeals board to reinstate his legal license after failing to do so with an emotional statement expressing regret for Chuck’s passing and acknowledging Chuck’s impact.
However, everything ultimately proves to be a whole façade. Kim expresses disbelief and bewilderment after learning that Jimmy won’t be practicing going forward under the McGill name before Jimmy reacts with one of his most iconic catchphrases.